Thursday, April 3, 2008

The answer to the Caller ID problem on the CECT P168

The CECT P168 has a little problem with the caller id feature.
If you store the number of the cellphone with the country code then you can see the name of the owner when you receive a SMS.
But if you do that, when you receive a phonecall from the same person the display shows the number, not the name.

Looks like a difficult choice to make but there is a fix for this problem.

In the Phone Book you can store three numbers for each entry. One for the cellphone, one for the home and one for work.
You can use this to fix the caller id problem.
Just enter the number of the cellphone as you receive it when they send you an SMS, meaning country code + number.
In the home or work number enter the cellphone number again but this time exactly as you dial it on the pad to make a call.
If the phone is a regular one and not a cellphone just enter it with the city code (no country code here) and then the number.

In this way the phone will recognize the name of the caller all the time.

I hope this helps all the people having troubles with that.


Anonymous said...

You can list three phone numbers??? My phone only allows one do you get the phone to list muliple number input?

Navegante said...

If you save the contact to the SIM you just got one number to enter but if you save it to the Phone you have a lot more data to enter including a home phone and a work phone.